Xpad Slim Laptop Cooling Pad
The Xpad Slim laptop cooling pad is a passive laptop cooler that helps improve airflow to your laptop with a simple but effective design. Unlike most notebook coolers, the Xpad slim laptop cooling pad is fan free, this has both it’s upsaides and downsides. The most imortant thing to point out is that this is more for people who’s laptops currently do not have any major overheating issues. If you have an overheating laptop or a high powered gaming laptop, you definitely need a laptop cooler.
But lets get down to basics, you can buy varying sizes of the Xpad slim to suit the size of your laptop. Some people recommend buying a ‘size up’ but it is not really necessary.
The overall construction of the Xpad is designed to do two major things. First, the ‘x’ design is made to give your laptop maximum airflow. Preventing airfent blockages and ‘hot air circulation’ that may occur if you use your laptop on your lap, or on your bed.
The second feature is that the pad is actually a lightweight heat shield. This helps keep the heat your laptop generates away from your lap.
These features are great for generic around teh home use. They do help decrease teh chances of your laptop overheatign from an obstructed air flow, and they make sure your lap never gets too hot. The non-skid rubber of this laptop cooling pad also makes sure that your laptop does not accidentally fall.
While the Xpad slim cannot compete with fan based laptop coolers, it has a fantastic cooling pad design which does have some minor cooling benefits, as well as some fantastic convenience. This is more for someonfe who works at home, and likes to lounge around as they work.
All in al the Xpad Slim laptop cooling pad is a great way to prevent overheating from obstruction. However if you have more pressing laptop cooling issues you would probably be better off investing in a more powerful laptop cooler.
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